How Extent Celebrations are doing good to Children [Blog Post by Prof. Mohan Kumar Suram]

Celebrations are an important part of human culture . They help us to mark important events, express our emotions, share our values, and connect with others. But how do celebrations affect children and future generations? Are they beneficial or harmful for their development and well-being? In this blog post, I will explore some of the positive and negative impacts of celebrations on children and future generations, based on scientific research and personal experience. I will also suggest some ways to make celebrations more meaningful and sustainable for everyone. Positive Impacts of Celebrations: Celebrations can have many positive impacts on children and future generations, such as: - Enhancing their sense of identity and belonging. Celebrations can help children to learn about their cultural heritage, traditions, and values. They can also help them to feel part of a community and a family, and to appreciate diversity and respect differences. - Boosting their emotional and so...